
Welcome back to

John 5 fans. Welcome back to the site. After a two week down period, we have spent the time rebuilding the site to restore it for your use again. During this time we have used the opportunity to make some adjustments

John 5 fans.  Welcome back to the site.  After a two week down period, we have spent the time rebuilding the site to restore it for your use again.  During this time we have used the opportunity to make some adjustments, including:

  • Re-installing the Wp-Touch plugin.  At the moment we have it set to see the latest news we post but in time we may open it to see other sections of the site.  Of course you can override the wp-touch plugin by scrolling to the bottom of the page on your cell/mobile and click the button to see full site. A little more about the plug-in below:

WPtouch automatically transforms your WordPress blog into an iPhone application-style theme, complete with ajax loading articles and effects, when viewed from an iPhone, iPod touch, Android, Opera Mini, Palm Pre, Samsung touch and BlackBerry Storm/Torch mobile devices.

  • Using a better top navigation system – which includes child pages – IE: click on Media and as well as being able to click on the media page and see it’s content, a drop down menu is shown which shows three extra pages – in this instance: Gallery, Videos and Extras.
  • Talking about the video page – we have installed a plug-in which means we can direct content your way – specifically we have set it up so you can enjoy some of the video interviews John 5 has conducted over the past year – and you don’t have to leave the page to see them.
  • We have looked at the forum again.  We have slimmed down the amount of sections you have, because we felt it was bloated with options – we think this makes it cleaner but still plenty of areas to post in.  Fan Club members please see the message on the board.

And there’s much more including a newly conceived album (discography) section – which has clickable thumbnails to see album details etc. And for some we have included links to purchase – this area is 90% complete so a few more bits to go in.

There are a couple of drawbacks, because of what happened to the site we lost all registrations to the site – we are sorry for this, but please do re-register (Sign Up tab in the navigation) and follow the registration instructions.

Anyway that’s just a taster – we are 85% in and in one more week we hope to have the site at full capacity.

Thank you for all your support during the downtime – and enjoy!