
LifeMusicMedia chats with John 5 [Audio]

John was our last interview for the day and time was precious. So we were told that when we saw him to make ourselves known and call out his name so he would know who he was meeting with next. When we saw him we ran over waving our arms like a crazy peeps and got his attention. We all laughed then he joined us at the table. What a gracious, classy guy. It was our pleasure to interview him. Here’s what he had to say!

Ben Hoskings of LifeMusicMedia recently sat down with John 5 – listen to the interview here,

John was our last interview for the day and time was precious.  So we were told that when we saw him to make ourselves known and call out his name so he would know who he was meeting with next.  When we saw him we ran over waving our arms like a crazy peeps and got his attention.  We all laughed then he joined us at the table.  What a gracious, classy guy.  It was our pleasure to interview him.  Here’s what he had to say!

JOHN 5 chats with Ben Hosking from – Interview by LifeMusicMedia