The team at Metal Assault have listened to the brand new John 5 and The Creatures album Season of the Witch which came out last Friday (3/3) and given it an outstanding TEN out of TEN rating!
“‘Season of the Witch’ isn’t just a showing of John 5’s technical skill from first track to last, it gives insight to how truly diverse John 5 can be when stretching his writing muscle. You’d probably think you’re getting a typical heavy metal side project just from the packaging of this record; it’s a John 5 record called ‘Season of the Witch’ that gives you every indication it will not go in the direction it takes.”
To read the full review go here:
Get Season of the Witch on Cd exclusively at the official John 5 store, on Amazon/iTunes/Google Play and stream on Spotify and Apple Music: (click to choose your preferred service).
John 5 is currently on tour with The Creatures – get show info here: