Another fantastic review for the latest John 5 and The Creatures album Invasion, which was released earlier this week (July 31st). This time from our friends at KNAC:
Not typical of other solo records where the bulk of the music is straight Rock and/or Metal, but typical of John 5 is to always add that southern twang letting the listener know where his influence blossomed from, such as the track “Howdy”, appropriately named. With some Rock-A-Billy, a hint of Psycho-Billy and some Country Blues type swings, he also adds a variety of other genres on Invasion to noodle around with. It’s plenty more Dance than anything, with light-hearted jamming allowing him to show off his virtuosity. “Crank It” proves this with the drum-n-bass beat holding steady while John 5 gives the disco track some life. On the track “Zoinks!” he and the band really go off, showing some of that versatility the entire band possesses, with lots of funk and classic rock vibration reminiscent of some Highway Star (DEEP PURPLE).
Read the review in full here:
Invasion is available now digitally and a Limited Edition box set or the digipack CD are available to pre-order (coming September 1st):